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Mon - Fri: 8 AM - 19 PM
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56 Fitzwilliam Square N
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Our Services

Back and neck pain is the second most common cause for visiting the GP, behind colds/flu. Eighty-five percent of people will suffer from back pain during their lifetime. Some individuals could develop chronic or reoccurring back …

At Dublin Sports Injury Clinic we treat many sportsmen and women. Our aim is to help you understand the root of your injury and get you fit and back to the sport you love as soon as possible. Whether you are …

In Dublin Sports Injury Clinic, we provide Deep Tissue Massage to active patients, like runners, gym goers, or typical office desk workers. Deep tissue massage is one form of massage therapy that focuses on the deeper …

Running injuries are very common. Injury prevention could be helpful, especially if you are training for longer distances like a half or full marathon. There is no one reason why runners get injured, but there are …

Radial Shockwave Therapy is a clinically proven treatment for soft tissue injuries. A Shockwave is a sound wave that passes through the body and is not an electrical pulse. Radial Shockwave Therapy is highly effective in …

Physical Therapy is an essential component of preparing you for surgery and aiding your recovery post-surgery. We are experts in providing preoperative programs in strengthening and can educate you when …

Whether you’re recovering from an injury or surgery have an ongoing medical condition, or are completely new to training, Physio Lead Personal Training can help you achieve your fitness goals with a personalized training plan…

We are offering Online Physiotherapy Consultations no matter where you live. We help our clients all around the world in different time zone. The Online consultation allows us to assess your injury, demonstrate …