Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is something everyone reading this has probably experienced. Some feel their heaviest DOMS 24 hours after a workout, whereas others know they pay the most for their leg days 2 days later. Both are normal responses to exercise. What is DOMS? DOMS is perceived as a dull, aching pain in […]

5 Things to Avoid After a Hamstring Injury

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”__empty__” _id=”92826″ cols_gap=”{`kc-css`:{}}” css_custom=”{`kc-css`:{`any`:{`typography`:{`color|`:`#000000`}}}}”][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”118211″][kc_column_text _id=”204110″ css_custom=”{`kc-css`:{`any`:{`typography`:{`color|,p`:`#000000`}}}}”]  Hamstring injuries are common in sports that involve sprinting, acceleration, deceleration, rapid change in direction, and jumping. It’s occurring in both recreational and professional sports and could lead to substantial time lost from sports and commonly reoccur. The hamstrings consist of three muscles, the […]

ACL injury prevention- part 2 (Quadriceps Dominance)

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”184346″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”909532″][kc_column_text _id=”87343″] Just for your recall female tends to land from a jump with less knee flexion than males. Quadriceps dominance refers to the tendency to stabilize the knee joint by primarily using the quadriceps muscles. Women appear to preferentially use the quadriceps more than males in […]

MRI’s vs MRI’s

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”754131″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”763714″][kc_column_text _id=”887185″] The Aim of this article is to show you the current research on MRI’s results and how reliable they can be and help you if you worried about your MRI’S results !! In the study by Herzog R, et al. Spine J. 2017, they study […]

Who does need an X-ray after an ankle sprain?

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”787878″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”595337″][kc_column_text _id=”202041″] Ankle sprains are a common occurrence in athletes as well as the general population. Traditionally, physicians would order radiographs for all ankle injuries, although less than 15% would have a clinically significant fracture, and add to healthcare costs.The Ottawa Ankle Rules were established to help […]

Acute Injury Management (Avoid HARM)

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”511246″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”130035″][kc_column_text _id=”572939″] The first 24-48 hours after sustaining a soft tissue injury are crucial in ensuring the best outcome for healing.  As a general rule, management for most injuries is as simple as remembering two simple acronyms – POLICE and HARM. HARM stands for Heat, Alcohol, Running/ exercise, […]

Osgood Schlatter Treatment

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”711134″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”540097″][kc_column_text _id=”455121″] Osgood Schlatter syndrome presents in children who are experiencing growth spurts, (boys, 12-15 years; girls, 8-12 years) with local pain, swelling and tenderness over the patella tendon (tibial tuberosity). It caused by overuse and symptoms are exacerbated with sporting activities that involve jumping (basketball, volleyball, […]

The healing stages of soft tissue

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”640327″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”263380″][kc_column_text _id=”868047″] Soft tissue injuries are commonly categorized depending on the time frame since the injury and the healing processes that are occurring at that time. Acute – Protection Phase The 1st acute stage is the #inflammatory stage and it is usually the first 72 hours of the initial […]

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention Program

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”903940″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”629290″][kc_column_text _id=”113174″] Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is costly, with conservative estimates of surgery & rehabilitation at $17,000-$25,000 per injury. This is in addition to potential loss of the entire season for sports participation, long-term disability & significantly greater risk of radiography diagnosed #osteoarthritis. An ACL injury occurs […]

Acute Pain vs Chronic Pain

[kc_row use_container=”yes” force=”no” column_align=”middle” video_mute=”no” _id=”297804″][kc_column width=”12/12″ video_mute=”no” _id=”556094″][kc_column_text _id=”138168″] Acute Pain vs Chronic Pain As we know acute pain is short term & tend to be more associated with damage or possible damage to tissue. For instance, ankle sprain & you will experience pain, bruised and swelling. Healing takes less than 3 months even […]