Groin Strain Treatment and Management
A groin strain is a muscular tear or rupture to any one of your groin muscles; usually one of the hip adductor muscle group. Your body has five adductor muscles: adductor brevis, longus, magnus, pectineus, and gracilis. Any of these groin muscles can be strained but the most common is adductor longus. A groin strain usually […]
Meniscus Tear Management
Your knee meniscus is fibrocartilage that separates thigh bone (femur) from your shin bone (tibia). It is commonly referred to as your “cartilage”. Each knee joint has a medial meniscus and a lateral meniscus. Your knee meniscus has unique shapes. They are a wedged, kidney shape. Your meniscus act like a wedge to assist with […]
Cervical herniated disc exercises
In this video I have share with you the best home base exercises for cervical herniated disc. With following this routine you can improve you cervical herniated disc pain and mobility. I have share with you what is cervical herniated disc means, and what is the sign and symptoms of cervical herniated disc are and […]
Back Pain Myth Buster
If you are experiencing back pain and you are worried about your back here is a couple of back pain myth that we would like to share with you. Myth 1 Moving will make my back pain worse This is a common mistake that most of my patients are doing after experiencing back […]